The Diesel Shop

Serving The Railfan Community since 1994

A pair of EMD SD40Xs #7000 (ex-434D) and 7001 (ex-434C) toured Canada for nearly two months in early 1966. Photographer Bill Linley caught them outside Smith Falls, Ontario while they were working in Canadian Pacific service.

For decades, Union Pacific and other railroads have extolled the need for powerful locomotives that move tonnage faster and more economically; those voices have not gone unheeded. Domestic locomotive builders have responded with major design / engineering concepts that continue to revolutionize the rail industry, and in some instances given rise to an excess of new locomotive models. Builder proto-types and demonstrators played important roles in advancing the art and generating sales. "Uncle Pete," which was often quick to sample new market entries, also did not hesitate to purchase units that offered immediate benefit. A list of UP purchased demo and proto-type locos is presented this month.

Last month, the Diesel Shop witnessed the largest infusion of industrial rosters to date; the locomotive rolls of nineteen industrial and/or civil works construction companies were added. Chief among them was a group of eight U.S. Steel railroad properties. These new listings can be reached by using either the US Steel Companies or the Contractors: Civil Works links.

Additionally, it has been more than a year since the Railroad Document Archives section has been expanded. Thanks to Tom Starr a six-page copy of GM's Complete Line of Export Locomotives has been added. The original document appeared in November of 1958.

By now, you have probably heard that CSX has added another new locomotives to its Tribute Fleet; the most recent addition includes the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie (CSX 18xx). If you have not seen this latest tribute unit as yet, please visit the CSX Gallery.

Future Profiles:
  • Detroit River Rail Ferries
  • Dynamometer Car Evolution
  • Bethlehem Steel Company rosters

Ready Track: New Listings / Major Updates

** Table of Contents **
Extra Board
A Three-Axle Diesel Hydraulic

In 1958, EMD introduced a complete line of export locomotives; this three-axle critter was part of the catalog offering. Use the Export link to read more.

THE DIESEL SHOP: Home to First & Second Generation Locomotives and Motive Power Rosters
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