American Bridge Divison

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Reporting Mark: xxxxx George Turnbull photo at Elmira, New York on 9 November 1970
New: 6 June 2024 Compiled by: Gareth McDonald
Model (& Bldr) Road No. Serial No. Date Notes
45-Ton (GE) 11 15148 2/42 --
14 15149 3/42 To McHugh Bros. #395
65-Ton (GE) 15 15735 12/42 --
18 15735 12/42 --
19 15736 12/42 --
65-Ton (Por) 39 7570 ? 3/44 Ex-US Steel
45-Ton (GE) 50 / 5978 32385 8/55 --
SW1 (EMD) 98 -- -- Ex-US Steel - Lynch
45-Ton (GE) 5970 29052 8/47 Ex-Virginia Bridge no#
43-Ton (GE) - 12577 2/40 Ex-Consolidated Steel < nee Utah-Pomroy-Morrison
25-Ton (GE) No# 29223 11/47 Ex-Tidewater Assoc 1006
No# 17780 2/43 Ex-Ex-Consolidated Steel
10-Ton (Ply) -- 3368 11/29 Ex-Lummis ?
No# 5782 2/54 Ex-Chicago Brick

  • EMD - lectro-Motive Division/GM
  • GE - General Electric
  • Ply - Plymouth Locomotive
  • Por - Porter Locomotive

Reference sources:

  • GE Production list / TDS
  • The Short Line Newsletter, R. Craig and Mark Nilges

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