Baltimore & Ohio

All-Time Diesel Roster

New: 15 January 2021

R. Craig photo
Reporting Mark: BO
Formatted by: R. Craig

* * * Cab Units * * *
Model (& Bldr) Final Road No. Intermim Road No. First Road No. Construction No. Date Notes
AA (EMC) -- -- 50 532 8/35 Converted to B-unit and transferred to The Alton
EA (EMC) -- -- 52 668 6/37 Transferred to The Alton
E6A (EMC/EMD) -- -- 52(2nd) 1094 10/40 Scrapped
1408-1410 1408-1410 57-59 1091-1093 9/40 --
1411-1413 1411-1414 60-63, -- 1328-1331 6, 7/41 --
E7A (EMD) 1415-1416,--,-- 1415-1418 64, 64A, 66, A 1673-1676 2/45 --
--, 1420-1432 1419-1432 68,A - 80,A 2897-2910 9, 10/45 --
E8Am (EMD) 1433 1433 51 666 5/37 Re-blt 12/53
1434-1437 1434-1437 53-56 765-767, 800 1,1,16/38 Re-blt 6/53
E8A (EMD) 1438, 39,--,41 1438-1441 90,A & 92,A 10231-10234 9/50 --
1440(2nd) 1440(2nd) C&O 4006 14765 8/51 --
1442-1445 1442-1445 94,A & 96,A 12712-12715 9-10/50 --
1446-1453 1446-1453 26,A-32,A 18675-18682 10/53 20/30 series Even numbers only
E9A (EMD) 1454-1457 1454-1457 34-40 20377-20380 5/55 30/40 series Even numbers only
E8A (EMD) 1460-1462 1460-1462 C&O 4001, 11 & 17 14760, 70 & 76 8,11,12/51 --
1463 1463 1440(92) 10233 9/50 --
1464-1467 1464-1467 C&O 4007, 09, 12-13 14766, 68, 71, 72 8-11/51 --
E6B (EMC/EMD) 2407-2409 2407-2409 57x-59x 1095-1097 9/40 --
2410-2413 2410-2413 60x-63x 1332-1335 9/40 --
E8Bm (EMD) 2414 & 2415 2414 & 2415 51x, 52x 667, 669 5,6/37 Re-blt 10/53
2416-2418 2416-2418 53x-55x 667, 669 1,1,6/38 Re-blt 8,11/53
E8Bm (EMD) 2419 2419 56x 801 6/38 Re-blt 1/54
FA2 (Alco) -- 4001-4005 801,A-805,A 78188-78193 10-11/50 Retired; 800 series Odd numbers only
-- 4006 & 4007 807 & 807A 78266-78267 11/50 Retired; 800 series Odd numbers only
FPA2 (Alco) -- 4008-4017 809,A-817,A 78483-78492 12/50-1/51 Retired; 800 series Odd numbers only
FA2 (Alco) -- 4018-4023 819,A-823,A 79710-79715 1, 2/52 Retired; 800 series Odd numbers only
-- 4024-4027 825,A & 827,A 79744-46, 955 3/52 Retired; 800 series Odd numbers only
4128-4131 4028-4031 829,A & 831,A 79956-19959 3, 4/52 800 series Odd numbers only
4132-4137 4032-4037 833,A & 837,A 79984-79989 4, 5/53 800 series Odd numbers only
DR44-1500A (BLW) -- 4200 & 4201 847 & 849 73981, 73985 X/48 Retired; ex-BLW Demonstrators 6001A & 6001A1; acquired 3/55
RF-16A (BLW) -- 4202-4213 851,A-861,A 74801-11, 74816 11/50 Retired
-- 4214-4215 863,A 74817, 74818 12/50 Retired
-- 4216-4220 865,A 867, 869, 871 75386-75390 3,4,5/5 Retired
FTA (EMD) -- 4400-4411 101,A-05,A; 07,A-11,A 1633-1644 8-9/42;8-10/43 Retired; 100 series Odd numbers only
-- 4412 & 4413 -- 3128, 3129 5/45 Retired; ex-NYO&W 806 & 807
F3A (EMD) -- 4420-4459 113,A-151,A 5089-5128 4-5/48 Retired; 100 series Odd numbers only
4460-4479 -- 153,A-171,A 5722-5741-5128 11/48-1/49 100 series Odd numbers only
F7A (EMD) 4480-4493 4480-4493 180,A-193,A 7554-7667 8-9/49 100 series Odd numbers only
4494-4503 4494-4503 231-37; 239,A-241,A 10221-102230 8/50 200 series Odd numbers only
4504-4507 4504-4507 245,A & 247,A 11705-11708 8/50 200 series Odd numbers only
4504-4507 4504-4507 231-37; 239,A-241,A 10221-102230 8/50 200 series Odd numbers only
4508-4523 4508-4523 249,A- 263,A 12259-12274 9-10/50 200 series Odd numbers only
4524-4563 4524-4563 265,A-365,A 12626-12665 11/50-2/51 200/300 series Odd numbers only
4564-4571 4564-4571 367-374 12666-12673 12/50-1/51 --
4572-4580 4572-4580 929-945 15905-15913 1/52 900 series Odd numbers only
4581-4589 4581-4589 929A-945A 15905-15913 1/52 900 series Odd numbers only
4590-4618 4590-4618 947,A-973,A & 975 16642-16670 8/52 900 series Odd numbers only
4619-4636 4619-4636 977,A-993,A 17512-17529 1/53 900 series Odd numbers only
F3A (EMD) 4637-4643 1400-1406 82,A-86,A & 88 4072-4078 7/47 80 series Even numbers only; S/G equipped
F7A (EMD) 4644-4647 -- -- 11809-11812 6/50 Ex-B&LE 701A-704A
4648-4651 -- -- 13678-13681 3/51 Ex-B&LE 708A-711A
4652-4654 -- -- 11813-11815 6/50 Ex-B&LE 705A-707A
FB2 (Alco) -- 5000-5004 801x-809x 78198-78201, 78502 10/50-1/51 Retired; 800 series Odd numbers only
-- 5006-5009 811x-817x, & 817Ax 78498-78501, 78497 12/50-1/51 Retired; 800 series Odd numbers only
-- 5010-5012 819x-823x 79760-79762 1/52 Retired; 800 series Odd numbers only
-- 5013-5018 825x-835x 80010-80114, 30 & 31 4/52; 4/53 Retired; 800 series Odd numbers only
-- 5019 & 5020 837x& 837Ax 80032, 80033 5/53 Retired; 800 series Odd numbers only
DR44-1500B (BLW) -- 5200 & 5201 847x & 849x 73982, 73983 X/48 Retired; ex-BLW Demonstrators 6001B & 6001B1 (acquired 3/55)
RF-16B (BLW) -- 5202-5208 851x-865x 75414-19, 75413 5/52 Retired
-- 5209-5214 867x,Ax-871x,Ax 75808, 75813 3-5/53 Retired
FTB (EMD) -- 5400-4411 101x,Ax-05x,Ax; 07x,Ax-11x,Ax 1645-1656 8-9/42;8-10/43 etired; 100 series Odd numbers only
-- 5412 & 5413 -- 3136, 3137 5/45 Ex-NYO&W 806B & 807B
5420-5429 5420-5429 153x-171x 12283-12292 9-/50 100 series Odd numbers only
F7B (EMD) 5430-5435 5430-5435 180x,Ax-184x,Ax 7568-7573 8-9/49 100 series Odd numbers only
5436-5443 5436-5443 186x,Ax-192x,Ax 8743-8750 9/49 100 series Odd numbers only
5444-5447 5444-5447 231x-237x 11709--11712 8/50 900 series Odd numbers only
5448-5455 -- 249x-263x 122755-12282 9-10/50 200 series Odd numbers only
5456-5473 5456-5473 265x-297x, 371x 12674-12691 11/50-1/51 200/300 series Odd numbers only
5474-5477 5474-5477 363x,Ax-365x,Ax 12692-12695 12/50 300 series Odd numbers only
5478-5493 5478-5493 367x,Ax-374x,Ax 12696-12711 12/50-1/51 300 series Odd numbers only
5494-5502 5494-5502 929x-945x 15923-15831 1/52 900 series Odd numbers only
5503-5510 5503-5510 947x-961x 16671-16678 8/52 900 series Odd numbers only
5511-5519 5511-5519 977x-993x 17530-1758 1/53 900 series Odd numbers only
F3B (EMD) 5520-5526 2400-2406 82x,Ax, 84x,Ax 86x,Ax, 88x 4080-83, 4135-37 7/47 --
F7B (EMD) 5527-5533 5527-5533 -- 11816-11822 6/50 -Ex-B&LE 701B-707B
5534-5537 5534-5537 -- 13685-13688 3/51 Ex-B&LE 708B-711B
5540 7519 C&O 7519 16026 2/52 --

* * * Road-Switchers * * *
Model (& Bldr) Final Road No. Intermim Road No. First Road No. Construction No. Date Notes
SD7 (EMD) 1826 7400 760 17410 3/52 Ex-EMD Demonstrator 991
1827-1830 7401-7404 761-764 18683-18686 11/53 --
SD9 (EMD) 1831-1838 7405-7411 765-771 20121, 22, 24-28, 23 12/54 --
1839-1840 7413 & 7414 773, 774 20451, 20452 4/55 --
RSD12 (Aco) 2007-2016 -- C&O 6700-6709 81943-81952 4-5/56 --
AS-16 (BLW) 2234-2238 6200-6204 900-904 75498-75502 5/52 --
2239, 2240 6205-6206 905, 899 75420, 75966 3/53, 2/54 --
2241-2249 6207-6216 890-898 76096--76104 5, 6/55 --
AS-616 (BLW) 2250 C&O 2219 C&O 5555 75175 8/51 --
GP35 (EMD) 3500-3519 -- -- 29090-29109- 3-4/64 --
3540-3559 -- -- 29372-29391- 7-9/64 --
3581 -- -- 31262 12/65 --
GP40 (EMD) 3684-3699 -- -- 32644-32659 11/66 --
3700-3739 -- -- 34823-34862 2-4/69 --
3740-3764 -- -- 36721-36745 12/70-1/71 --
3765-3779 -- -- 37189-37203 2-3/71 --
GP38 (EMD) 3800-3839 -- -- 33318-33357 10/67 --
3837(2nd) -- -- 33355(2nd) 7/71 --
3840-3849 -- -- 33358-33367 11/67 --
GP40 (EMD) 4000-4064 -- -- 38480-38544 8-11/71 --
GP40-2 (EMD) 4100(2nd) -- 1977(1st) 7365-1 8/72 Wore #1977 to commemorate 150th anniversary of B&O
4101-4112(2nd) -- -- 7365-2 to 13 8/72 --
4113(2nd) -- -- 7365-16 8-10/72 --
4114-4162(2nd) -- -- 7365-17 to 65 8-10/72
4163(2nd)(2nd) -- 1977(2nd) 7365-15 8/72 --
4164 -- GM50 7365-14 9/72 Wore GM50 to celebrate EMD's 50,000th locomotive
4185-4246 -- -- 74695-1 to 62 4/75 --
4247-4256 -- -- 767034-1 to 10 2/77 --
4287-4307 -- -- 776091 to 21 1-2/78 --
4308-4311 -- -- 777051-1 to 4 1979 --
4321-4351 -- -- 777051-1 to 31 2-3/79 --
4422-4441 -- -- 807014-1 to 20 1981 --
GP38 (EMD) 4800-4819 -- -- 36676-36695 8-12/70 --
GP7 (EMD) 5600-5612 6400-6412 910-922 17499-17511 1/53 --
5613-5618 6413-6418 720-725 18694-18699 1/53 --
5619-5624 6419-6424 726-731 18700-18705 9/53 --
GP9 (EMD) 5921 & 5926 -- C&O 5921 & 5926 21194, 21199 12/55 --
5928 -- C&O 5928 21201 12/55 --
5938 & 5939 -- C&O 5938 & 5939 20847, 20848 8/55 --
5943, 45 & 47-50 -- C&O 5943, 45 & 47-50 20852, 54, 56-59 8/55 --
5957, 5958 & 5960 -- C&O 5957, 5958 & 5960 20866, 20867, 20869 9/55 --
5962, 5964-5967 -- C&O 5962, 5964-5967 20871, 20873-20876 9/55 --
5970, 74, 75 & 77 -- C&O 5970, 5974, 5975 & 5977 20879, 83, 84 & 86 10/55 --
5978, 80, 81 & 83 -- C&O 5978, 5980, 5981 & 5983 21026, 28, 29, 31 10/55 -
5998 -- C&O 5998 21182 12/55 --
6025, 6026 & 6028 -- C&O 6025, 6026 & 6028 21503, 21504, 21507 3/56 --
6041 & 6046 -- C&O 6041 & 6046 21531, 21536 1955 --
6135 & 6142 -- C&O 6135 & 6142 -- 9/65 --
6213 & 6240 -- C&O 6213 & 6240 23372, 23502 6, 8/57 --
GP7 (EMD) 6400-6412 -- 910-922 17499-17511 1/53 --
6413-6424 -- 720-731 18694-18705 9/53 --
GP9 (EMD) 6425-6440 -- 675-690 20429-20444 4-5/55 --
6441-6446 -- 691-696 20423-20428 4/55 --
6447-6500 -- -- 22191-22244 8-10/56 --
6498(2nd) -- -- 23462 5/57 --
6501-6510 -- -- 22245-22254 10/56 --
6511-6562 -- -- 22985-23036 5-7/57 --
6563-6570 -- -- 23037-23044 7/57 --
6571 -- -- 23641 5/57 --
6572-6598 -- -- 24356-24382 1-2/58 --
GP18 (EMD) 6599 -- -- 27086 1/62 --
GP9 (EMD) 6600-6605 3417-3412 747-752 20417-20422 4/55 --
6606-6611 3413-3418 -- 22255-22260 10/56 --
6612-6618 3419-3425 -- 22418-22424 10/56 --
6650-6658 C&O 6100-6108 -- 22101-22109 -- --
6659-6661 C&O 6109-11 -- 22017-22019 9/56 --
6662-6683 C&O 6113-6134 -- 22021-22042 9/56 --
GP7 (EMD) 6693-6699 3400-3406 740-746 18687-18693 10/53 --
H16-44 (FM) -- 6700 & 6701 906 & 907 16L967 & 968 4/55 Retired
-- 6702-6709 -- -- -- Re-#d to 9737-9743
-- 6709 -- 16L1148 3/57 Wrecked
GP30 (EMD) 6900-6972 -- -- 27617-27689 10-12/62 --
6973-6976 -- -- 27690-27693 1/63 --
SD35 (EMD) 7400-7419(2nd) -- -- 29408-29427 7-10/64 --
7437-7440 -- -- 30706-30709 9/65 --
SD40 (EMD) 7482-7490 -- -- 33161-33169 5/67 Transferred to CNJ 3061-3069
7500 -- -- 34778 4/69 --
7591-7594 7491-7494 -- 33170-33173 5/67 --
7597-7599 7497-7499 -- 34775-34777 4/69 --
SD40-2 (EMD) 7600-7619 -- -- 767033-1 to 20 1-2/77 --
SD20-2 (EMD) 7700-7704 -- -- 29413, 09, 14, 12 7/64 Ex-B&O SD35 7405, 7401, 7406 & 7404 de-rated to 2000 hp
RS1 (Alco) 9185 & 9186 -- C&O 5114, 5115 80851, 80852 9/53 --
H16-44 (FM) 9737-9739 6702-6704 925-927 16L961, 962, 969 4/55 --
9740-9743 6705-6708 906 & 907 16L1144-1147 3/57 --

* * * Yard Engines * * *
Model (& Bldr) Final Engine No. Intermim Engine No. First Engine No. Construction No. Date Notes
NW2 5061-5064 & 5069 -- C&O 5061-5064, 5069; 10370 10382-10385 9; 6/49 --
5074, 5076 & 5079 -- C&O 5074, 5076 & 5079 10375, 10377, 10380 1949 --
NW2 (EMD) 5215 -- C&O 5215 10273, 10274 1/50 --
44-Tonner (GE) 8300 & 8301 8801, 8802 19, 20 30470, 30471 9-10/50 --
SW1 (EMD) 8400-8408 -- 200-209 1098-1107 8/40 --
8409-8415 -- 210-215 11088-1113 9/40 --
8416-8421 -- 216-221 1601-1606 5/42 B&OCT
8422 199 B&OCT 2 1601-1606 5/42 B&O CT; an SW reblt to SW1
65-Tonner (GE) -- 8810 194 18072 122/43 --
80-Tonner (GE) -- 8820 198 18011 9/43 --
25-Tonner (Plym) -- 8900 25 18011 1/26 --
S4 (Alco) 9000-9007 -- 534-541 80954-59, 62, 63 11-12/53 --
9008-9018 -- -- 81320-81330 4/55 --
S2 (Alco) 9019-9025 -- 468-74, 542-45 70248-70254 4-11/43 --
9026-9031 -- 482-487 71301-03, 9-11 12/43-1/44 --
9032-9036 -- 499-492 72027, 29; 72711-13 4-7/44 --
9037-9040 -- 493-496 72727; 72892-94 8/44; 1/45 --
9041-9052 -- 497-508 72903-09, 12-16 2-5/45 --
9053 & 9054 -- 509, 510 76160, 76161 8/48 --
9055--9064 -- 511-520 76175-76184 9-10/48 --
9065-9068 -- 521-524 76202-76205 11/48 --
9069-9077 -- 525-533 76500-76508 11-12/48 --
S4 (Alco) 9078-9097 -- -- 81860-81879 4-6/56 --
9088-9099 -- -- 81971, 81972 6/56 --
9100-9114 -- -- 81985-81999 2-8/57 --
S2 (Alco) 9115-9144 -- -- -- -- (See Note A)
9145-9149 -- -- -- -- (See Note B)
S1 (Alco) 9150 & 9151 8010, 8011 222, 223 70057, 72694 8, 9/44 --
9152-9155 8012-8015 224-227 72835, 36, 40, 41 10-11/44 --
S2 (Alco) 9160-9184 -- -- -- -- (See Note A)
VO1000 (BLW) -- 9200, 9201 414, 416 69650, 69652 8/43 --
-- 9202-9205 417-420 70112-70114 11/43 --
-- 9206-9211 422-427 70859,79, 71930-33 5-7/44 --
-- 9212-9215 428, 430-32 71989, 91, 71426, 27 1/45 --
-- 9216-9220 433-437 71333-71337 5-7/44 --
-- 9221-9224 413-15, 21, 29 69649, 51; 70851, 71990 5/44; 1/45 --
DS44-1000 (BLW) 9225-9249 -- 438-462 73839-73863 10-12/48 --
9250 -- 376 74778 7/50 --
9251-9255 -- 377-381 74788-74792 7/50 --
9256-59 -- 382-385 74799,800, 74881, 82 8/50 --
9260-9273 -- 386-399 74937-74950 8-10/50 --
9274-9278 -- 463-467 75961-75965 11/53 --
1000 hp (Lima) 9366, 9367 -- 330, 341 9347, 9348 12/49-1/50 --
9368-9373 -- 332-337 9381-9386 1, 2/50 --
9374 & 9375 -- 338, 339 9392, 9393 3/50 --
1200 hp (Lima) -- 9376-9385 320-329 9468-9477 12/50-1/51 --
-- 9386-9399 340-353 9478-9491 1-3/51 --
SW900 (EMD) 9400-9416 -- 625-640 20384-20399 5/55 --
9417-9428 -- 642-653 20401-20412 5-7/55 --
NW2 (EMD) 9500-9508 -- 400-408 1114-1122 10-11/40 --
9509-9511 -- B&OCT 409-411 1729-1731 1/43 --
9512-9541 -- 560-589 6683-6712 1-5/49 --
9542-9551 -- 550-559 6683-6712 9-11/48 --
TR3A 9552 & 9555 C&O 9552 & 9555 C&O 6500A, 6501A 10253, 10256 7/49 --
TR3B 9554 & 9556 C&O 9554 & 9556 C&O 6500B, 6500C 10254, 10255 7/49 Calves
9553 & 9557 C&O 9553 & 9557 C&O 6501B, 65001C 10257, 10258 10/49 Calves
NW2 (EMD) 9559 & 9563-9564 C&O 9559, 63 & 64 C&O 1851, 55 & 56 6269 & 73-74 11-12/40 --
SW9 (EMD) 9600-9607 -- 590-597 15886-15893 4/52 B&OCT
9608-9613 -- 598-603 19308-19313 12/53 B&OCT
SW1200 (EMD) 9614-9621 -- -- 23360-23367 5/57 --
H10-44 (FM) 9700-9709 -- 300-309 10L86-10L95 11-12/48 --
H12-44 (FM) 9710-9719 -- 310-319 12L392-12L401 2/51 --
9720-9721 -- 196 & 197 12L774, 12L775 9/53 --
9722 - 9726 -- -- 12L1089-12L1093 4/57 --

* * * Notes / Credits * * *
Note A -- B&O S2s 9115-9144 (b/n, b/d)
  • B&O 9115 < C&O 5026 (77165, 10/49)
  • B&O 9116 < C&O 5029 (77798, 10/49)
  • B&O 9117 < C&O 5016 (77141, 10/49)
  • B&O 9118 < C&O 5039 (77807, 11/49)
  • B&O 9119 < C&O 5017 (77142, 10/49)
  • B&O 9120 < C&O 5004 (76783, 6/49)
  • B&O 9121 < C&O 5028 (77797, 10/49)
  • B&O 9122 < C&O 5042 (77811, 11/49)
  • B&O 9123 < C&O 5043 (77812, 11/49)
  • B&O 9124 < C&O 5035 (77803, 11/49)
  • B&O 9125 < C&O 5027 (77796, 10/49)
  • B&O 9126 < C&O 5030 (77799, 10/49)
  • B&O 9127 < C&O 5037 (77806, 10/49)
  • B&O 9128 < C&O 5023 (77148, 10/49)
  • B&O 9129 < C&O 5054 (76899, 1/50)
  • B&O 9130 < C&O 5050 (77944, 1/50)
  • B&O 9131 < C&O 5044 (77813, 11/49)
  • B&O 9132 < C&O 5038 (77807, 10/49)
  • B&O 9133 < C&O 5040 (77809, 11/49)
  • B&O 9134 < C&O 5041 (77810, 11/49)
  • B&O 9135 < C&O 5001 (76771, 5/49)
  • B&O 9136 < C&O 5024 (77149, 10/49)
  • B&O 9137 < C&O 5008 (77133, 9/49)
  • B&O 9138 < C&O 5013 (77138, 10/49)
  • B&O 9139 < C&O 5002 (77165, 10/49)
  • B&O 9140 < C&O 5009 (77134, 9/49)
  • B&O 9141 < C&O 5010 (77135, 9/49)
  • B&O 9142 < C&O 5003 (76782, 6/49)
  • B&O 9143 < C&O 5007 (77132, 9/49)
  • B&O 9144 < C&O 5014 (77139, 10/49)
Note A (continued) -- B&O 9160-9184 (b/n, b/d)
  • B&O 9160 < C&O 5000 (76770, 5/49)
  • B&O 9161 < C&O 5005 (77130, 9/49)
  • B&O 9162 < C&O 5006 (77131, 9/49)
  • B&O 9163 < C&O 5011 (77136, 10/49)
  • B&O 9164 < C&O 5012 (77137, 10/49)
  • B&O 9165 < C&O 5015 (77140, 10/49)
  • B&O 9171 < C&O 5032 (77801, 11/49)
  • B&O 9172 < C&O 5033 (77802, 11/49)
  • B&O 9172 < C&O 5036 (77805, 10/49)
  • B&O 9174 < C&O 5045 (77827, 12/49)
  • B&O 9175 < C&O 5046 (77828, 12/49)
  • B&O 9176 < C&O 5047 (77941, 12/49)
  • B&O 9177 < C&O 5048 (77942, 12/49)
  • B&O 9178 < C&O 5049 (77943, 1/50)
  • B&O 9179 < C&O 5051 (77945, 1/50)
  • B&O 9180 < C&O 5052 (76897, 1/50)
  • B&O 9181 < C&O 5053 (76898, 1/50)
  • B&O 9182 < C&O 5055 (76900, 1/50)
  • B&O 9183 < C&O 5056 (76901, 1/50)
  • B&O 9184 < C&O 5057 (76902, 1/50)
Note B -- B&O S2s 9145-9149 (b/n, b/d) -
  • B&O 9145 < LV 150 (69952, 8/42)
  • B&O 9146 < LV 153 (69955, 10/42)
  • B&O 9147 < LV 155 (69878, 10/43)
  • B&O 9148 < LV 161 (70068, 10/49)
  • B&O 9149 < LV 162 (70069, 11/49)

Railroad Abbreviations:

  • B&O - Baltimore & Ohio
  • B&OCT - B&O Chicago Terminal
  • C&O - Chesapeake & Ohio
  • CSSB - Chicago South Shore & South Bend
  • WM - Western Maryland
Reference Sources:
  • Chesapeake & Ohio Diesel Review by Carl W. Shaver
  • Alco Construction List from by Alco Photos
  • EMD Order Numbers at TrainWeb
  • Extra 2200 South Newsletter (March/April 1972 and May/June 1972)

Thanks to the following contributors: Edwin Cooper, Denny Custer, Lloyd Judd, R. Craig, Don Richardson & Ray Sabo

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