Chicago South Shore & South Bend

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Revised: 22 March 2025 Photo by Craig Walker
Reporting Mark: Formatted by: R. Craig
Model (& Date) Road # Serial Nmbr Bldr Notes
Electric (Baldwin) 505 & 506 43681-82 7/16 71.5-ton; ex-CLS&SB 505-506; to CN 9175-76 > CN 175-76
SW1 (EMD) 601 1026 3/40 Ex-BCK 42; to CAGY 514 > BAWX 514
TR3 (EMD) 602-604 10255, 10256, 10258 7, 10, 10/49 Returned to original owner C&O 9555, 9556 & 9557
606 10257 10/49 Returned to original owner C&O 9553
NW2 (EMD) 605 & 607 10384, 10386 7, 10, 10/49 Returned to original owner C&O 5063 & 5065
GP7 (EMD) 614 17351 9/52 Placed in service on 12/31/78; ex-FEC 614; to CAGY
615 17352 10/52 Placed in service on 12/31/78; ex-CAGY 615 > nee FEC 615; to CAGY
618 17355 10/52 Placed in service on 12/31/78; ex-CAGY 618 < nee FEC 618; to CAGY
R-2 Electric (Alco) 701 68236 1/30 Acquired 1/55 and placed in service 5/25/55; C-C wheel arrangement; ex-NYC 308 < nee NYC 1208
702 68242 2/31 Acquired 1/55 and placed in service 11/12/55; C-C wheel arrangement; ex-NYC 314 < nee NYC 1214
703 68231 12/30 Acquired 9/55 and placed in service 3/23/56; C-C wheel arrangement; ex-NYC 303 < nee NYC 1203
704 -- 5/31 Acquired 10/55 and placed in service 5/31/57; C-C wheel arrangement; ex-NYC 343 < nee NYC 1243
705 -- -- Placed in service 6/11/58; C-C wheel arrangement; ex-NYC 340 < nee NYC 1240
706 -- -- Acquired 10/55 and placed in service 5/15/58; C-C wheel arrangement; ex-NYC 341 < nee NYC 1241
707 -- 9/10/56 Acquired 10/55 and placed in service 6/11/68; C-C wheel arrangement; ex-NYC 342 < nee NYC 1242
All 700 series retired 4/19/76
Electric (GE) 801 & 802 29930, 29931 -- Ex SZhD (Soviet Rys) A1608-A1610 (in service 12/31/49, 8/1/50 & 11/1/49)
803 29932 -- Ex SZhD (Soviet Rys) A1608-A1610 (in service 12/31/49, 8/1/50 & 11/1/49)
Electric (Baldwin) 900-902 61046, 61049, 61048 9/29 Steple-cab; nee IC 10000, 10003 & 10002 (in service 4/1/41)
903 61047 9/29 Steple-cab; nee IC 10001 (in service 8/1/41)
Electric (Baldwin) 1001-1004 59012-13, 59019-20 2/26 B-B wheel arrangement
1005 & 1006 57715-16 4/24 B-B; sold to Niagara Junction 10-11
1007 & 1008 60326-27 12/27 B-B
1009 & 1010 60571-72, 7/28 B-B
Electric (GE) 1011 & 1012 11075-76 7/28 B-B
1013 11339 11/30 B-B
Electric (Baldwin) 1014 61473 9/30 B-B
GP7 (EMD) 1501 / 5716 10140 6/50 Returned to C&O as 1501; ex-CSS 1501; (Placed in CSS service on 1/30/76) < nee C&O 5716
1502 / 5705 10134 6/50 Returned to C&O as 1502; ex-CSS 1502; placed in CSS service on 2/4/74 < nee C&O 5705
1503 / 5747 15253 10/51 Returned to C&O as 1503; ex-CSS 1503 (placed in CSS service on 1/30/71) < nee C&O 5747
1504 / 5764 15270 11/51 Returned to C&O as 1504; ex-CSS 1504 (placed in CSS service on 2/1/71) < nee C&O 5764
1505 / 5817 17308 10/52 Returned to C&O as 1505; ex-CSS 1505 (placed in CSS service on 2/4/74) < nee C&O 5817
1506 / 5778 15284 12/51 Returned to C&O as 1506; ex-CSS 1506 (placed in CSS service on 1/30/71) < nee C&O 5778
1507 / 5839 17286 10/52 Returned to C&O as 1507; ex-CSS 1507 (placed in CSS service on 2/4/74) < nee C&O 5839
1508 / 5833 17280 10/52 Returned to C&O as 1508; ex-CSS 1508 (placed in CSS service on 2/4/74) < nee C&O 5833
GP38-2 (EMD) 2000-2004 79633-1 to 5 EMD -
2005-2009 79633-6 to 10 1/81 -
Nippon-Sharyo 1-44 1982 & 1983 MU Coach Notes: Wrecked and Repaired
  • 17 & 26 wrk 1/21/85 Gary
  • 41 wrk 4/1/87 Burnham
  • South Shore returned GP7s 1501-1508 to C&O. The 1501 apparently was sold by C&O soon after return; others were used a few months as C&O 1502-1508 then returned to their original C&O numbers.
  • The railroad also acquired NYC Electrcs @318, 334 & 335 in 10/55; they were never rebuilt, scrapped 1969,1970,1970
  • 602-605 came over first, then 606-607 added as 4000hp insufficient for coal trains, then replaced by first three GP7s in 1971-72, fourth GP7 soon added as 4500 hp not enough. Rest of GP7s replaced 700 electrics.
  • Supposedly C&O first sent over three GP9s, numbers unknown to replace switchers, but they were derailed first day on road and sent back for repairs and GP7s sent instead. No details however.

Thanks to the following people for information: Chris, Bill Gustason, Andre Kristopans, Kevin Sadowski and Bob Van Derveer

Original upload: 6 August 2001

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