Day & Zimmerman

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Reporting Mark: xxxxx xxxxxxx photo at Framingam, Massachusetts on 19 November 1966 (R. Craig collection)
New: 11 June 2024 Compiled by: Gareth McDonald
Model (& Bldr) Road No. Serial No. Date Notes
VO-1000 (BLW) 1-120 62411 5/41 To US Army 7275
VO-1000 (BLW) 2-120 62495 6/41 To US Army 726
S1 (Alco) 3-100 69469 5/41 To US Army 7277
44-Ton (Whit) 4-44 60105 8/41 To US Army 7308
44-Ton (Whit) 5-44 60106 8/41 To US Army 7309
44-Ton (Whit) 6-44 60107 8/41 To US Army 7307
44-Ton (Whit) 7-44 60107 8/41 --
44-Ton (GE) 8-44 12098 7/41 To USMC 248236
44-Ton (GE) 9-44 12099 7/41 To USA 7311 > Becker Sand & Gravel
44-Ton (GE) 10-44 15118 2/42 To USA 7508
44-Ton (GE) 11-44 15119 3/42 To USA 7312


  • Alco - American Locomotive Co.
  • Ply - Plymouth Locomotive
  • Por - Porter Locomotive/li>

Reference sources:

  • The Short Line Newsletter
  • Extra 2200 South Newsletter
  • Other Contributors: Andre Kristopans Randy Keller, R. Craig, and Mark Nilges

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