Duke Power / Energy


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New: 19 April 2024

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Format: R. Craig
Road No. Model Bldr Date Notes
10 25-Ton GE 30590 -- Re-#d 70
11 45-Ton GE 32253 -- --
12 45-Ton GE 32698 6/58 Re-#d 90
15 45-Ton GE 32253 3/55 -
20 25-Ton GE 30986 6/51 Retired
45 45-Ton GE 32698 3/55 Re-#d 90
50 25-Ton GE 29889 2/49 Retired
60 25-Ton GE 30420 6/49 Retired/td>
70 & 80 25-Ton GE 30590, 30598 4, 6/50 Retired
83 SL82 GE 41124 11/80 -
90 45-Ton GE 32698 6/58 Ex-Duke 12
91 40-Ton GE 33694 5/60 Retired; end-cab
100 50-Ton GE 35354 12/64 End-cab; re-#d to 50 (2nd)
101 80-Ton GE 35783 4/66 Re-#d 7976
102 80-Ton GE 37607 12/70 Rebuilt as 6079
103 80-Ton GE 38470 5/72 Re-#d 5335
104 & 105 80-Ton GE 38933, 38934 5/73 --
112 & 113 25-Ton GE 30582, 30824 1, 10/53 Retired
114 25-Ton GE 18144 12/43 Retired; ex- USATC 7766
115 & 116 23-Ton GE 13145, 13152 7/41 xRetired; ex-USA 7759 (Ravenna Depot 232) & 7793 (Ravenna Depot 236)
115 (2nd) 50-Ton GE 38996 4/74 Re-#d to 5336
116 (2nd) 50-Ton GE 38997 4/74 Re-#d 10235
117 SW EMC 718 7/38 Retired
200 PLW PL110D 200-94 1994 --
201 35-Ton 31195 12/51 Ex-Carolina Power & Light 201
400 PLW PL110D -- 1995 --
1611 45-Ton GE -- -- --
2538 Gen-set RSSX (F/N 4288-6) F/N 4288-6 Core SOO SW1200 326 (20109, b/d)
2538-2540 Gen-set RSSX -- -- GP30 core for 2540
2541-2543 Gen-set RSSX -- xx/2015 SW1200 cores for 2542 & 2543
5335 80-Ton GE 38470 5/72 Ex-DKPX 103
5336 50-Ton GE 38996 4/74 Ex-DKPX 115 (2nd)
6079 80-Ton GE 37607 12/70 Ex-DKPX 102 rebuilt
6094 45-Ton GE -- Ex-??
10235 50-Ton GE 38997 4/74 Ex-DKPX 116 (2nd)
No# 25-Ton GE 13090 1941 Retired; ex-Todd Shipbuilding

111 0-4-0T Alco 62759 1922 --
  • Alco - American Locomotive Company
  • GE - General Electric
  • EMD - Electro-Motive Division
  • KGB&W - Kewaunnee Green Bay & Western
  • PLW - Peoria Locomotive Works
  • Plym - Plymouth Locomotive
  • TMERL - The Milwaukee Electric Rwy & light
  • Whit - Whitcomb Locomotive
Reference sources:
  • X2200 South Newsletter (various issues)
  • The Short Line Newsletter (various issues)
  • Flickr.com
  • Train Orders.com
  • LocoNotes.com

    Thanks to the following contributos (direct and indirect): Ken Ardinger, Bob Graham, Randy Keller, Gareth McDonald, Bruce Mercer, Mark Nilges and Jay Reed

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