New Jersey


Diesel Locomotives

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Revised: 11 July 2024 Photo by: Chuck Maxim
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Model (& Bldr) Road No. Serial No. Date Notes
SW1500 (EMD) 502 7376-3 9/72 Ex-P&LE 1546
MP20B-3 (MPI) 1001-1003 33222, 25 & 28 10/07 Ex-NJT #4130-4132 rebuilds
1004-1005 33231, 33232 6/08 Ex-NJT #4133-4134 rebuilds
MP20B-3 build dates by M.J. Schaible-Ryan
PL42AC/DE40000BB (Alstom) 4000-4019 78001-78020 3/04 --
4020-4032 78021-78033 12/04 --
GP40PH-2 (EMD) 4100-4103 34258, 49 & 52-53 10/68 Rebuilds from ex-CNJ 3681, 72, & 75-76
4104-4107 34259, 56, 58 & 60 10/68 Rebuilds from ex-CNJ 3682, 79, 71 & 80
4108-4109 34260, 34254 10/68 Rebuilds from ex-CNJ 3683 & 3877
4110-4112 34250, 51 & 55 10/68 Rebuilds from ex-CNJ 3673, 3674 & 3678
Conrail shops rebuilt GP40PH-2s from ex-CNJ GP40Ps
F40PH-2CAT (EMD) 4115, 17 & 18 796380-3, 5 & 6 10/81 --
4119-22, 24 & 26 796380-7 to 10 & 12, 14 11/81 --
4128-4129 796380-15 to 17 12/81 --
#4127 is on the auction block (due to mechanical problem); Conrail shops rebuilt F40PH-2CATs from F40PH-2s
GP40FH-2 (EMD) 4135-4137 33234, 35 & 42 8/67 #4136 & 4137 sold to TXNW and VTR; built from ex-NYC 3070, 3071 & 3078
4138-4140 34765, 70; & 32238 1/69; 9/66 #4138 sold to TXNW; built from ex-CRIP 384, 389 & 346
4141 & 4142 36401, 33539 4/70, 1/68 Sold to TXNW; built from ex-CRIP 4715 & Milw 2055
4143 & 4144 32293, 32246 9/66 #4144 sold to TXNW; built from ex-CRIP 361 & 354
MK rebuild (from GP40) with F45 cowl shells. Several locos leased to AMT in Montreal
GP40PH-2 (EMD) 4145 & 4146 38512, 38561 10 & 7/71 #4145 sold to TXNW; MK rebuilds from ex-GP40s B&O 4032 & C&O 4081
4147, 49 & 50 34615, 34390 & 34311 10 & 9/68 MK rebuild from ex-PC GP40s 3174, 3132 & 3134
GP40PH-2B (EMD) 4200 & 4201 34647, 33217 11/68, 7/67 Ex-CR 3206 and 3053 < nee PC 3206 & NYC 3053
4202 & 4203 30943, 34663 10/65, 11/68 Ex-CR 3006 and 3222 < nee NYC 3006 & PC 3222
4204 & 4205 35046, 35047 4/69 Ex-EMDX 13 & 14
4206 & 4207 34661, 30942 10/68, 11/65 Ex-CR 3220 and 3005 < nee NYC 3006 & PC 3222
4208-4211 34632, 64, 23 & 33 10/68 Ex-CR 3191, 3223, 3182 & 3192 < nee PC (same #s)
4212-4214 35057 59 & 49 5/69 Ex-EMDX 24, 26 & 16
4215 30946 10/65 Ex-CR 3009 < nee NYC 3009
Conrail shops rebuilt GP40PH-2Bs from GP40s
GP40-2 (EMD) 4300-4302 34630, 37, 38 10/68 Ex-PC 3189, 3196 & 3197
4303 30945 10/65 Ex-NYC GP40 3008
ALP-44 / 44M (ABB) 4400-4419 -- -- Retired & stored (still on roster)
4420-4431 -- -- Retired & stored (still on roster)
ALP-45DP (BMBD) 4500 & 4501 34887, 34890 -- --
4502-4505 34897-98, 34901-02 -- --
4506-4508 34905, 07 & 09 -- --
4509-4512 34911 & 13-15 -- --
4513-4515 34919, 21 & 23 -- --
4516-4523 34925-34932 -- --
4524-4526 34933, 34 & 78 -- --
4527-4534 34979-34986 -- --
4535-4542 34925-34932 -- On order, with deliveries up to 4535
ALP-46 (BMBD) 4600-4623 33851-33874 -- --
4624-4628 33915-33919 -- --
4629-4664 34853-34888 -- Locos are ALP-46As
P40DC (GE) (4800 & 4801) 47280, 47276 6, 5/93 Sold to CDOT; ex-Amtrak 812 & 808
(4802 & 4803) 47278, 47288 6, 7/93 Sold to CDOT; ex-Amtrak 810 & 820
Locomotive data provided by Michael Richmond.

Thanks to the following people for providing updates: Craig Walker, Martin Baumann, Joe Gates, Karl Hamilton, Curt D. Jans (via LocoNotes), John Komanesky, "NJTransit2," Michael Richmond, Michael Steinberg, Brian T, Sean Graham-White and Tim Darnell

Original: 26 June 2014

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