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Bon French photo at Clifton, Arizona
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"Okay smart guy, who told you about this shortcut?" R. Craig
"*^%*%#. I thought we'd make it! We got any extra hose?" Clifton Z.
"Because it said ECO, you thought it meant better fuel economy?" Dylan R.
"Hey, I thought this town had rail for us to run on?" Michael R.
"Strange things are afoot at the circle K."" Jack S.
"Let's do paper, rock, scissors to see who pushes!" Dylan R.
"Is this a full-service station? 3,000 gallons of diesel, please, and check the oil." --
"How Many Gallons of Diesel Do We NEED?!" Tom S.
"Regular: $2.79. Premium: $3.49. Diesel: Free, if you can get it." James D.
"Is this a full-service station? 3,000 gallons of diesel, please, and check the oil." Joe F.
"Oh, great! you don't have diesel?" Joe F.
"Just stopping for a morning cup of coffee." Melvin M.
Conductor: "So, Mr. Smarty Engineer. You followed your GPS again, didn't you!" Tim W.
We've been stuck waiting for a track warrant for so long the tracks are gone! Jonathan S.
I HEARD there was a diesel shortage . . .fuel, that is, blackish gold, Alberta tea . . . Jonathan S.
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