Perini Construction

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Reporting Mark: xxxxx George Turnbull photo at Framingam, Massachusetts on 19 November 1966 (R. Craig collection)
New: 5 June 2024 Compiled by: Gareth McDonald
Model (& Bldr) Road No. Serial No. Date Notes
SW1200 (EMD) 1 -- -- --
HH900 (Alco) 17 68998 or 6? 11/37 Youngstown & Northern 211 < nee Elgin Joliet & Eastern 402
80-Ton (Whit) 100 60160 8/42 --
S6 (Alco) 110 81721 2/56 Upper Marion & Plymouth 110
44-Ton (Por) No# 7908 8/45 Ex-Mt, Vernon Car; scrapped
20-Ton (Ply) No# 6552 10/66 36" gauge
20-Ton (Ply) No# 6553 10/66 36" gauge


  • Alco - American Locomotive Co.
  • Ply - Plymouth Locomotive
  • Por - Porter Locomotive/li>

Reference sources:

  • The Short Line Newsletter
  • Extra 2200 South Newsletter
  • Other Contributors: R. Craig and Mark Niges

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