Wisconsin Electric Utilities


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New: 19 April 2024 Paul Rome photo at Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin on 18 June 1997
-- Format: R. Craig
Road No. Model Bldr Date Notes

Wisconsin Electric Power (WEP)
1 SL110 GE 41136 6/79 Pleasant Prairie Plant
No # SW1000 EMD 33490 8/68 Oak Creek Plant

Wisconsin Public Service (WPS)
518 HL-18 Plymouth 1952 Green Bay; ex-WP&L 3
702 20-Ton Ply 5515 6/50 Green Bay
713 45-Ton Ply 5666 5/53 Weston Plant
8753 S2 Alco -- Green Bay; Cummins Re-Eng'd 3/1981
8754 S2 Alco -- Beloit Plant; Cummins Re-Eng'd
8758 SW1 EMD -- Weston Plant
8760 S2 Alco -- Pulliam Plant; rebuilt 3/1981
8763 S2 Alco -- Weston Plant; rebuilt 2/1978

Wisconsin Power & light (WP&L)
L4 Electric TMERL 1920 Steeple-cab
L7 Electric TMERL 1931 --
518 HL-18 Plymouth 1952 Green Bay; ex-WP&L 3
No # 45-Ton GE 13009 4/41 Beloit Plant; ex-GE Pittsfield 7
No # 30-Ton Ply 5622 6/52 Beloit Plant
No # 30-Ton Whit 12372 6/52 Sheboygan Plant; ex-L.E. Meyer Cosntruction
98 S2 Alco -- -- Portage plant; converted to remote control
99 S2 Alco -- -- Portage plant; converted to remote control
201 S2 Alco 75666 4/48 Ex-KGB&W 201
  • Alco - American Locomotive Company
  • GE - General Electric
  • EMD - Electro-Motive Division
  • KGB&W - Kewaunnee Green Bay & Western
  • Plym - Plymouth Locomotive
  • TMERL - The Milwaukee Electric Rwy & light
  • Whit - Whitcomb Locomotive
References: X2200 South Newsletter (various issues) and The Short Line Newsletter (various issues)

Thanks to the following sources: Gareth McDonald, Mark Nilges, Jay Reed and Ed Weisensel

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