Ferrocaril Mexicano (Ferromex)

Motive Power
Somebody's Large Digital Image Here
Formatted by: R. Craig Rutherford Photograph by: Tom Boylan
Reporting Mark: FXE Revised: 5 February 2025
Model Road No. Builder Nmbr Date Comments
SW1504 (EMD) 1500-1517 71270 5/73 Off roster: #1500, 01, 04, 05, 07, 09-13, 15

1500 - Ex FNM 8800.   1506 - Ex FNM 8806	1512 - Ex FNM 8813	
1501 - Ex FNM 8801.   1507 - Ex FNM 8808	1513 - Ex FNM 8814	
1502 - Ex FNM 8802.   1508 - Ex FNM 8809	1514 - Ex FNM 8815	
1503 - Ex FNM 8803.   1509 - Ex FNM 8810	1515 - Ex FNM 8816	
1504 - Ex FNM 8804.   1510 - Ex FNM 8811	1516 - Ex FNM 8817	
1505 - Ex FNM 8805.   1511 - Ex FNM 8812	1517 - Ex FNM 8818
GP38M-2 (EMD) 2000-2014 29054-56, 58-69 9-12/64 Off roster: #2004
2015-2024 29040-29049 8/64 Off roster: #2018

2000 - Ex FNM 8208.   2005 - Ex FNM 8220	2010 - Ex FNM 8233	2015 - Ex FNM 8242.  2020 - Ex FNM 8250	
2001 - Ex FNM 8209.   2006 - Ex FNM 8221	2011 - Ex FNM 8234	2016 - Ex FNM 8243.  2021 - Ex FNM 8251	
2002 - Ex FNM 8216.   2007 - Ex FNM 8230	2012 - Ex FNM 8235	2017 - Ex FNM 8244.  2022 - Ex FNM 8252	
2003 - Ex FNM 8218.   2008 - Ex FNM 8231	2013 - Ex FNM 8240	2018 - Ex FNM 8246.  2023 - Ex FNM 8253	
2004 - Ex FNM 8219.   2009 - Ex FNM 8232	2014 - Ex FNM 8241	2019 - Ex FNM 8248.  2024 - Ex FNM 8254


  • 2000 - 2024 were originally built as GP35s, rebuilt as GP38-2 at Torreon.
  • 2002-2006 were originally built with high nose, but lowered mid 2010s.
GP38 (EMD) 2025 37617 6/71 --
2026-2029 -- -- Off roster: #2028


2025 - Ex FNM 8255 < FUS 512	  	
2026 - Ex FNM 8256 < FUS 	  	
2027 - Ex HATX 105 < CSXT 2020 < nee B&O 3820 	  	
2028 - Ex HATX 114 < CSXT 2003 < nee B&O 3803 
2029 - Ex HLCX 3608 < GWWR 2042 < CMNW 2042 < CR 7805 < nee PC 7805
GP38-2 (EMD) 2030-32 & 34-36 756076-2,3,4,9 & 11,12 10/75 Ex-Off roster: 2033 & 2034
2037-39, 41, 42 & 44 756076-54, 56, 62, 67, 69, 77 & 80 10/75 --
2045-2050 788017-6 to 10 3/79 --
2051 78828-2 4/80 --


2030 - Ex-FNM/NdeM 9221	   2034 - Ex FNM 9228 	2038 - Ex FNM 9281	 2042 - Ex FNM 9296   2046 - Ex FNM/CH-P 905	
2031 - Ex-FNM/NdeM 9222	   2035 - Ex FNM 9230	2039 - Ex FNM 9286	 2043 - Ex FNM 9298   2047 - Ex FNM/CH-P 906 
2032 - Ex-FNM/NdeM 9223    2036 - Ex FNM 9231	2040 - Ex FNM 9287	 2044 - Ex FNM 9299   2048 - Ex FNM/CH-P 907
2034 - Ex-FNM/NdeM 9228    2037 - Ex FNM 9273	2041 - Ex FNM 9288	 2045 - Ex FNM 903    2049 - Ex FNM/CH-P 908	

2050 - Ex FNM/CH-P 909
2051 - Ex FNM/CH-P 911
B23-7 (GE) 2500 43354 1/81 Ex-FNM/NdeM 9172
2501 43514 6/81 Ex-FNM/NdeM 10028
2502 42625 12/79 Ex-FNM/FUS 10030

  • 2501 is used on the executive business train.
  • 2502 was painted in "Captain America" blue and red scheme, but repainted in the FXE GMXT Gray
GP40-2 (EMD) 3000-3002 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM GP40 8402, 8405, 8407
3005 712421 12/72 Ex-FNM/CHP 2104
3008-3011 75624-1, 2, 7 & 8 6/75 Ex-FNM/CH-P 1008-1011
3012 758014-2 1/76 Ex-FNM/CH-P 1018
3015-3017 758038-1 to 3 8/76 Ex-FNM/SBC 2110-2112
3018-3019 788029-1 & 2 12/79 Ex-FNM/SBC 2309 & 2310
3021-22, 3024-25 808041-1, 2 & 5 to 7 7/81 Ex-FNM/CH-P 1023, 1024, 1027-1029
3026 818021-2 3/82 Ex-FNM/CHP 1031
3029 808036-1 12/80 Ex-FNM/SBC 2311
3030 & 3031 818036-1 & 2 7/82 Ex-FNM/SBC 2313 & 2314
3032 & 3033 34139, -- 12/68 Ex-LMIX GP40 110 & 111 < nee MILW 2062 & MKT 229
SD40-2 (EMD) 3103-3105 712429-712431 9/72 Ex-FNM/NdeM
3109 712612 12/72 Ex-FNM/NdeM
3112, 3115-17 712854, 60-62 11/73 Ex-FNM/NdeM
3120-22, 24, 26-29 712866-68, 70, 72-75 11/73 Ex-FNM/NdeM
3131 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM
3133-3136 712885-712888 12/73 Ex-FNM/NdeM 8750-8752
3137-3139 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM
3140-3147, 3149 756108-1 to 8, 10 12/75 Ex-FNM/NdeM
3150-53, 3155-58 798047-1 to 4 & 6 to 9 2/80 Ex-FNM/NdeM
3160-3165 798077-2, 3,4 & 6 to 9 8/80 Ex-FNM/NdeM
3166, 3168-3174 798077-11 to 17, 19 & 21 8, 9/90 Ex-FNM/NdeM 8788-94, 96 & 98
3175 7396-7 7/72 Ex-FNM/NdeM
3176-3180 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM
  • 3175 - 3180 are ex Milwaukee units, acquired by NdeM from VMV. These units have modified their fuel tank, from 3000 gallons to 4000
SD40M-2 3182-3185 37548, 62, 44, 55 & 53 3 & 4/71 Ex-Missouri Pacific reblt SD40s
3186-3189 37558, 5, 51 & 60 3, 4/71 Ex-Missouri Pacific reblt SD40s
3190 & 3192 34523, 34518 2/69 Ex-Missouri Pacific reblt SD40s
  • 3193 - 3204 are ex SD45 units, rebuilt to SD40-2 specs in 1988 by VMV
  • 3193 - 3202 were ex Norfolk Southern units (ex SOU/NW), originally built as high short hood, but lowered before being sold to NdeM.
3195 33562 2/69 Reblt from High-hood NS SD45
3196 & 3199 35531, 35543 2/70 Reblt from High-hood NS SD45s
3201-3202 -- 1969/70 Reblt from High-hood NS SD45s
3203 & 3204 -- 1970 Reblt from SD45s
SD40-2 (EMD) 3205, 3307-10, 3212, 3213, 3215-19 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 13077, 13079-82, 13084, 13085, 13087-091 (see Notes 23, 24 & 25)
3220-27, 3229-31 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 13092-099, 13101-103 (see Notes 23, 24 & 25)

  • 3205 - 3231 most are ex NdeM SD40/SD40-2 units, overhauled and rebuilt in 1992 at San Luis Potosí shops.
  • 3209 & 3212, are ex SDP40 units; 3209 and 3212.
  • 3206, 3210, 3214, 3217, 3218, 3225, 3226, 3229, 3230 and 3231 were built originally as SD40-2; the other units were rebuilt using old SD40/SDP40 units.
C30-7 (GE) 3500-3507 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 6700, 6703. 6707, 6743-6745, 6752, 6753
3508-3513 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 6765, 6749, 6769, 6770, 67XX, 6774
3514-3520 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 6775, 6777, 6778, 6780, 6782, 6783, 6786
3521-3524 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 6787, 6788, 6791, 6792
3525-3536 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 434, 437-440, 442-444, 446, 451, 453, 454
3537 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 9646
3538-3547 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 11001, 11002, 11004, 11005, 11010, 11012, 11018-021
3548-3556 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 11027, 11031, 11037, 11038, 11041-045
3557-3564 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 11057, 11039, 11034, 11069, 11073-075, 11077
3565-3572 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 11078, 11082, 11086, 11087, 11090, 11092, 11093, 11099
3573-3580 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 11104, 11107, 11110, 11117, 11118, 11124, 11126, 11158
3581-3585 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 6757, 6758, 11106, 11119, 11114
3586-3592 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 458-463
3593-3596 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM 11130, 11140, 11141, 11145

  • 3525-3536 and 3586-3592 are ex FCP units.
  • 3537, 3558 & 359 are ex-ATIX/TFM 2201, 2209 & 2208
  • 3580 is ex FNM 11158, a C30-7 rebuilt using a old U36C.
  • 3583, 3584 *3596 are ex-ATIX/TFM 2225, 2232 & 2230
  • 3594-3596 are ex-ATIX/TFM 2243, 2244 & 2247
C36-7 (GE) 3600-3602 -- -- Ex-FNM/NdeM < FCP 438, 429 & 432
Super7-30C (GE) 3700-3765 -- -- Ex-FNM 14000's
Super7-30C (GE) 3800-01, 3803-3820 -- -- Ex-FNM 15013-15033; #3814 repaired after collision and repainted
SD70ACe (EMD) 4000 - 4014 20048602-1 to 15 - -
4015-4058 20106395-001 to 044 4-6/11 --
4059 - 4088 20116402-001 to 030 9-12/2011 Built by Bombardier in Mexico
4089 - 4096 20116402-031 to 038 10-12/2011 Built at Muncie plant
4097 - 4115 -- -- Delivered
4116-4131 20136983-1 to 16 3-4/15 Ex-FSR
SD70ACU (EMD) 4132 - 4164 -- - Ex-PRLX/NS; being rebuilt atGuadalajara shopsl; first delivery (4164) is planed for spring 2025.
AC4400W (GE) 4400-4414 52444-58 1-2/00 Purchased new.
4415-4427, 4429 54430-42, 44 6/03 Purchased new
4430-4437 55502-09 12/04 Purchased new
4500-35 & 4537-46 51998-233 & 52035-44 4-8/99 --
ES44AC (GE) 4600-4649 57426-57475 10-12/06 --
4650-51, 53-57 & 59 57476-77, 79-83 & 85 10-12/06 --
4660-4699 58193-58232 8-10/07 --
4700-4708 60598-60606 7-9/2011 --
4709-4722 60607-60620 7-9/2011 --
ES45AH (GE) 4800-4825 64250-64275 6/16 #4810, 4815 and 4816 retired
4826-4837 64276-64287 7-9/2011 #4834 retired
4839-4847 & 4849 64895-64297 & 99 7-9/2011 --
4850-4879 66561-66590 2024 --
AC44C6M (GE) 4900-4924 -- 2025 Spotted: 4905, 06, 08, 09, 12, 17 & 19. See note below
4925-4959 -- 2025 Ex-NS C44-9W core units
Post-merger FXE/FSR Retirements
Model Road No. Builder Nmbr Date Notes
SW1504 (EMD) 1500-1502 71267-71269 5-7/73 Ex-FNM/NdeM 8800-8802
1504-1517 712671-712684 5-7/73 Ex-FNM/NdeM 8804-8817
1500 & 1509 wrecked & retired
Pre-merger FXE/FSR Retirements
Model Road No. Builder Nmbr Date Notes
RSD12 (Alco) 501 82371 11/57 Ex-FCP 1501
SW10 (EMD) 1200 18843, 4/53 Ex-Union Pacific SW9 1855
1201 15073 9/50 Ex-Union Pacific TR5A 1875,
1202-1204 10758, 10774, 17067 9, 19,10/50 Ex-Union Pacific SW7 1806, 1822 & 1815
1205 17814 4/53 Ex-Union Pacific SW9 1855
1206-1210 18853, 17813 & 18854 8,9,8,10/50 Ex-UP SW7 1804, 1808, 1800, 1814 & 1806
1211 15075 10/51 Ex-UP TR5A 1877
1212 10757 9/50 Ex-UP SW7 1805
1213 & 1214 17818, 12551 4/53, 4/51 Ex-UP SW7 1838 & MP 1232
G12 (EMD) 1300-1304 -- -- Off roster; ex-NdeM 5809, 5821, 5823, 5842 & 5875
GP8-2 (EMD) 2004 and 2018 29058, 58-69 9-12/64 Ex-FNM/NdeM GP35 8219 & 8246
2015-2024 29040-29049 8/64 Ex-FNM/NdeM GP35 8200-8209
C30-7 2203 & 2205 -- -- --
2217 and 2219 -- -- FNM-Alsthom
C30-7 (GE) 6706 42656 1/79 Ex-FSR 6706 < FNM 6706
6746, 6748 42756, 58 1/79 Ex-FNM 6746 & 6748
6756 42766 12/79 Ex-FNM 6756
6760 & 6768 42814, 42822 12/79 Ex-FSR < nee FNM 6760 & 6768
6794-95, 98 43047-48, 51 7/80 FNM
U36C (GE) 8902 GE 39352 1/74 Ex-FNM 8902
B23-7 (GE) 9133 42629 12/79 Ex-FNM 9133
9143, 9152, 9158 43253, 43334, 40 2,11/80 Ex-FNM 9143, 9152 & 9158
9179 GE 43291 12/79 Ex-FNM 9179
C36-7 / U36C (GE) 9311 40251 1/75 U36C; ex-FNM 9311
9317-18 & 9125-26 42269-70 & 77-78 3/79 Ex-FNM 9317-18 & 9125-26
9327-29 & 34-36 42636-38 & 43-45 3/80 Ex-FNM 9327-29 & 34-36
C30-7 /SF30C (GE) 9521 and 9530 38882 & 38888 3/73 SF30C; ex-FNM 9521 & 9530 < NREX 9521 & 9530 < ATSF 9521 & 9530 < SPSF 9521 & 9530 < ATSF 9521 & 9530 < nee U36C 8721 & 8730
9616 43211 9/80 Ex-FNM 9616
9622, 9624 & 9426 43217,19,21 10/80 Ex-FNM 9622, 9624 & 9626
9629-30 & 9641-42 43224-25, 36-37 11,12/80 Ex-FNM 9629-30 & 9641-42
B23-7 (GE) 10003 43384 10/80 Ex-FNM 10003
10013 & 10014 43494, 43500 1, 2/81 Ex-FNM 10013, 10014
10032 & 10034 43518 & 20 7,8/81 Ex-FNM 10032, 10034
10043-10044 43529-30 11/81 Ex-FNM 10043-10044
10048, 10049 43581-82 12/81, 1/82 Ex-FNM 10048-10049
C30-7 (GE) 11008, 11025-26 43653, 70-71 1,2/82 Ex-FNM 10008, 10025-26
11048, 11050, 11053 43902,04,07 1,2/82 Ex-FNM 11048, 11050, 11053
11055-11056 43909-10 10/82 Ex-FNM 11055-56
11060-61 & 11064 43914-15 & 18 11,12/82 Ex-FNM 11060-61 and FCP 11064 (FNM 11064)
11111, 11120 44213, 44222 4,5/83 Ex-FNM 11111 & 11120
11156 -- -- Ex-FNM 11156 < FCP #?
B23-7 (GE) 12002 & 12007 43295 & 43395 2,4/82 Ex-FNM 12002 & 12007
12008-010 43396-98 4/82 Ex-FNM 12008-10
C30-Super7 (GE) 14092-14093 39772, 42274 -- Ex-FNM 14092-93 < FNM 8962 & 9322 < nee NdeM 8952, --; rebuild date into S7s is 4/1993
14094 & 096 -- -- Ex-FNM 14094 & 14096 < FNM 8952 & 8954 < nee NdeM 8952 & 8954; rebuild date into S7s is 5/1993
14097-14098 40322, 42480 -- Ex-FNM 14097 & 14098 < nee FCP 414 & 426; rebuild dates into S7Rs are 3/1975 & 10/1978
14501-14521 46465-85 -- Ex-FNM 14501-21; rebuild dates into S7Ns are 8-9/1980

* * * NOTES * * *
  • Note 10: 3000 - 3003 were originally built to GP40 for NdeM, but rebuilt as GP40-2standards by FNM.
  • Note 11: 3004, 3008 - 3014 and 3020 - 3028 are ex CH-P units, same numbers.
  • Note 12: 3005 - 3007, 3015 - 3019 and 3029 - 3031 are ex SBC units, same numbers.
  • Note 13: 3032 is ex LMIX GP40 110, nee ex MILW 2062.
  • Note 14: 3033 is ex LMIX GP40 111, nee ex MKT 229
  • Note 16: 3100 - 3149 were built with 81" low nose, 3150 - 3174 with 88" low nose.


  • CH-P - Chihuahua- Pacific
  • FCP - Ferrocaril Pacific
  • FNM - Ferrocaril Nacionales Mexico
  • NdeM - National de Mexico
  • SBC - Sonora Baja California

Locomotive Data supplied by: Michael Richmond.

Reference Source: Progressive Railroading.

Data by: John Komanesky with corrections from Eddie Dieguez

Additional updates and corrections by: Thomas Boyer, Jordan Hernandez, Billy Hunter, Eu-Jin Ooi, John Owen, Juan Lucca Malzzo, John Poshepny, Jeff Thoreson, and James Tiroch.

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