General Electric U25C

Quantity Built 113

9/1963 to 12/1965

Somebody's Large Digital Image Here
Last Revision: 23 October 2010 R. Craig Photo
Revised: 12 Feb. 2014 Info Supplied by: John Komanesky
Original owner Road Numbers Qty. Bldr Numbers Batch Numbers Bldr Dates
Atlantic Coast Line 3000-3003 4 34969-34972 1810 12/63
3004-3010 7 35064-35070 1845 11/64
3011-3017 7 35609-35615 1875 10/65
3018-3020 3 35616-35618 1875 11/65
Chicago Burlington & Quincy 550, 551 2 35597, 35598 1865 8/65
552-560 9 35599-35607 1865 9/65
561 1 35608 1865 10/65
Lake Superior & Ishpeming 2500, 2501 2 35062, 35063 1823/1825 5, 7/64
Louisville & Nashville 1500, 1501 2 35545, 35546 1855 5/65
1502-1511 10 35548-35557 1855 5-7/65
1512 1 35547 1855 5/65
1513-1517 5 35558-35562 1855 10/65
Northern Pacific 2500-2505 6 35035-35040 1821 5/64
2506-2514 9 35041-35049 1821 6/64
2515, 2516 2 35582, 35583 1847 5/65
2517-2524 8 35584-35591 1847 6/65
2525-2529 5 35592-35596 1847 7/65
Oro Dam 8010-8013 4 34815-34818 1800 9/63
8014-8016 3 34819-34821 1800 5/64
8017, 8018 2 35563, 35564 1896 12/65
8019 1 35629 1896 12/65
Pennsylvania 6500-6502 3 35057-35059 1850 4/65
6503 1 35056 1850 4/65
6504-6509 5 35050-35055 1850 4/65
6510-6515 6 35619-35622 1895 11-12/65
6516-6519 4 35623-35628 1895 12/65

Source of information: Extra 2200 South. Additional information from Dave Dallner.

Batch / order numbers provided by Dave Dallner.

General Electric

U28C & U28CG

Quantity Built: 61 + 10

12/1965 to 12/1966

Somebody's Large Digital Image Here
Revised: 7 Feb. 2010 / New: 19 Nov. 2004 Photograph by: xxxxxxx
- Info Supplied by : John Komanesky
Original owner Road Numbers Qty. Bldr Numbers Order/Batch No. Bldr Dates
Chicgo Burlington & Quincy 562-565 4 35751-35754 1816 2/66
566-571 6 35755-35760 1816 3/66
572 1 35815 1816 3/66
573-577 5 35816-35820 1816 4/66
Louisville & Nashville 1526-1532 7 35893-35899 1908 5-6/66
1533 1 35892 1908 5/66
Northern Pacific 2800, 2801 2 35630, 35631 1815 4/66
2802-2804 3 35882-35884 1815 4/66
2805-2808 4 35885-35888 1815 5/66
2809, 2810 2 35889, 35890 1815 6/66
2811 1 35891 1815 7/66
Pennsylvania 6520-6525 6 36019-36024 1912 9/66
6526, 6527 2 36026, 36027 1912 9/66
6528 1 36025 1912 9/66
6529-6534 6 36028-36033 1912 9/6
Southern Pacific 7150-7159 10 36068-36077 1916 10-11/66
Union Pacific 2800-2804 5 36014-36018 1915 6/66
2805-2809 5 36063-36067 1917 8-9/66
Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe 350-359 10 35993-36002 1909 7-8/66

Source: Extra 2200 South Newsletter. Corrections from David A, Dallner.

Purchase order number information is from Dave Dallner.

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